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My Journey to The Happy Pot

Updated: May 29

Hey friends! I’m super excited to share a bit about the journey that led to me creating slow-cooked comfort food that feels like a warm hug from your favourite person.


The Happy Pot's Global Roots


Warri, Nigeria: My story begins in Warri, a vibrant town known for its palm oil and petroleum. Warri was like a giant playground where I roamed freely, played, made, and sold things. Surrounded by entrepreneurial people and the comforting aroma of my family’s slow-cooked meals, I learned early on that food is about more than just sustenance – it’s about tradition, love, and community. In fact, the first-ever dish I cooked when I was about 8 years old was Banga soup, also known as Palm oil soup. It took hours to prepare, involving boiling the palm kernels, pounding them with a mortar and pestle, squeezing out the juices, and then cooking it with traditional spices and meat. It was a labour of love that ignited my passion for slow-cooked comfort food.


The UK and International Development: At 11 years old, I moved to the UK to be with my parents. Living here, my curiosity about history and other countries only grew stronger. By age 19, I knew I wanted to help make the world a better place, so I decided to study International Development. Working in international development was a dream come true as I worked with communities to help them prepare for and survive disasters like droughts and floods, caused by climate change. This path also allowed me to travel, live, and immerse myself in different cultures.


Eating Around the World


Traveling and living in various countries deepened my love for food and introduced me to a world of flavours. Here's a glimpse of my journey:


Malaysia: My culinary adventure took a delicious turn when I visited friends in Malaysia. Drawn by the promise of authentic rendang, I threw myself into cooking Malaysian food. Learning how to prepare the rendang paste, slow cook the meat in coconut milk and fragrant spices taught me patience and the art of blending flavours to create something truly special. In fact, cooking in Malaysia gave me the confidence and the freedom to put my own twist into my rendang recipe, as I learned that everyone makes their rendang differently. My rendang is loaded with aromatic spices like star anise, cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves, and kerisik - toasted desiccated coconut. Every time I make kerisik, my mum comes over with a big spoon ready to devour the leftovers. She says it takes her back to her childhood in Nigeria when she was obsessed with coconut candle, a simple candy that is made with coconut and sugar.


Mexico: I found myself in Mexico by pure luck. After a year of traveling the world, I regretted not visiting Mexico. I expressed this to a friend who gave me a contact there, and less than a week later I had secured a job at Oxfam, working on the Haiti earthquake relief. The vibrant and kind people, rich history and traditions, and of course the food blew my mind. From slow-cooked carnitas to rich, hearty stews like pozole, and of course all the tacos, I soaked up all the food that Mexico had to offer. Living and working here taught me to balance bold spices with fresh, zesty ingredients – a combination that continues to inspire our menu. One day, I hope to introduce the slow-cooked chocolaty goodness that is called mole (pronounced moley) from the state of Oaxaca.


Thailand, Japan, South Korea, India, Laos, Vietnam, Nepal, Myanmar, Indonesia, Singapore: In these food havens, I explored street food markets, savoured delicate sushi, and indulged in hearty curries. I fell in love with chicken karage in Japan, the refreshing pho in Vietnam, and the spicy pad kra pao (Thai basil stir fry) in Thailand. Each experience added new techniques and flavours to my cooking repertoire.


Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda: My time in East Africa introduced me to the richness of injera, the tanginess of fermented foods, and the warmth of communal dining (eating with others with your hand from one plate). These experiences taught me the importance of food in bringing people together. I can’t forget the tibs with injera in Ethiopia, the green plantain dish called matooke in Uganda, and the roasted goat from Wajir in Kenya.


Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand: Living, working, and traveling in this part of the world opened my eyes to how food can be delicious, fresh, and healthy. I absolutely loved eating my way through Australia, and I’m still drooling over the Australian pies and the avocado chicken pancake I used to buy for lunch every day.


Brazil, Panama, Nicaragua, Colombia, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Chile, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Cuba, USA: From tropical flavours to hearty asados, I discovered the joy of cooking with local ingredients and the magic of slow-cooked meats. The alfajores from Argentina are to die for, ceviche in Peru and Panama are such treats, and the tomato stew from Cuba, acarajé, and farofa in Brazil took me back to my childhood in Nigeria.


Spain, Poland, Italy, Norway, Finland, Germany, France, Belgium, Malta, Sweden, Hungary, Turkey, Portugal: European cuisine stole my heart with its simplicity and emphasis on quality ingredients. I learned the art of making homemade sauces and pickles, which play a big role in our menu at The Happy Pot. Pierogi with sauerkraut and double bacon and onions from Poland, open sandwiches from Sweden, the array of fresh fish dishes in Finland and Portugal, and of course the arancini from Italy, which we also offer, are just a few of my favourite European dishes.


My Foodie Exploration of the World


Traveling and living in these incredible places wasn’t just about eating delicious food (though that was a big perk!). It was about immersing myself in the culture, making lifelong friends, learning the history of the people, and understanding their food. Each country added a unique chapter to my life and foodie adventure, teaching me new techniques and deepening my love for slow-cooked comfort food.


Taste the World


The Happy Pot isn’t just about amazing slow-cooked food; you’re actually taking a bite out of my journey. Our menu is a celebration of the diverse and yet similar culinary traditions I've encountered. From our signature Malaysian rendang to the comforting flavours inspired by Mexico, every dish is cooked with care, and each bite is a taste of true comfort that will bring a smile to your face.

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